Sugar Detox – Day 3

I’m feeling fine, except…I woke up today (the last day of the 3-day detox) dreaming of chocolate peanut butter cups.

Tomorrow begins Week 1 of the detox. For the next seven days, I will be adding each day: 1 apple (not just any fruit — apples are recommended because they are relatively low sugar and high fiber); 1 serving of dairy like (1 oz cheese, 5 oz yogurt, 1/2 cup cottage cheese/whole or 2% milk/milk alternative); 1 serving high fiber cracker (there is a list of approved brands in the book, but the only brand I recognize is Triscuit Whole Wheat); 1 5oz glass of red wine up to 3x week.

If exercise was taken down a notch during the 3-day, it can resume normally starting week 1.

All that starts tomorrow. For today — last day of 3-day detox!